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Marcos Antonio Matiello Fadini, Professor

My main research interest is to investigate how plant defenses affect communities of pests and natural enemies in agroecosystems. I am responsible for disciplines General Entomology, Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural Acarology (Undergraduate) and Integrated Pest Management (for Graduate). I am the Coordinator of Lab. Of Agricultural Entomology, Campus of Sete Lagoas (CSL) at São João del Rei Federal University (UFSJ).


Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology


São João del Rei Federal University (UFSJ)

Department of Agricultural Sciences

Campus Sete Lagoas

Post Office box 56

MG 424 Road, km 47

35701-970 - Sete Lagoas - MG Brazil


tel.:   +55 31 3775-5525 (room)

tel.:   +55 31 3775-5510 (secretary)


General Entomology (Undergraduate course)

Importance and diversity of insects; External and internal anatomy, physiology; Sensory systems and behavior; Reproduction; Development and life cycle; Biogeography, systematics, phylogeny and evolution; Water and soil insects; Insect societies; Insects and plants; Predation, parasitism and defense in insects. Main orders of insects.



Agricultural Entomology (Undergraduate course)

Concept of pests; Sampling methods of pests; Economic levels; Tactics of chemicall, biological, plant resistance, behavioral, cultural, physical, mechanical control; Toxicological class and mechanism of action of insecticides; Application technology; equipments for individual safety; Major agricultural pests of economic importance and their integrated management.



Agricultural Acarology (Undergraduate course)

Introduction to Prostigmata, and Mesostigmata; Morphology, physiology, biology, reproduction, behavior, taxonomy, evolution and ecology of Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, Tarsonemidae, Eriophyoidea, Phytoseiidae, and Ascidae. Integrated and ecological management of pest mites of the main agricultural crops and stored products. Mites as biological models. GM mite predators.



Integrated Pest Management (Graduate)

Agroecological bases of integrated pest management; Sampling methods of pests and evaluation of agro-ecosystems; Determination and use of damage/control levels in integrated pest management; Strategies and tactics of the integrated management of major agricultural pests; Phytosanitary warning stations; Agroecological bases of agricultural acarology.



I have particular interest about mites in agroecosystems. I have measured how the defenses of plants interfere with interactions between phytophagous mites and predators. My recent projects evaluate the community of mites in Bt corn agroecosystem.


I have oriented students on graduate and undergraduate levels. In my research group I appreciate students with interest, motivation, initiative, attention, responsibility, punctuality, organization, speed, precision, empathy, persistence, and friendship. If you have interest, contact me!


My more relevant publications can be accessed by my ResearchGate

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